Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
clan très convivial mais compétitif, joueurs non sérieux s'abstenir , 10000 pts environ demandés minimum par concours
bons jeux à tous et à très bientôt
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
mon lulu♥ ma fanfan ♥
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
minimum vital : faire ses tombola, ses gratuites et ses 5 challenges/jour
roue aux cadeaux : le jeudi
mission challenges du mardi avant 21h
paris sportifs et duels svp
si questions me contacter en mp
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
10000 points par coupe sauf absence
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
bienvenue a tous
il est juste demander de faire ses parties quotidiennes tout les jours et si possible faire qq paris sportifs
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: :)
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: Soyons cool
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: J'invite les joueurs actifs. Minimum 4000 points.
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: pour tous
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: Spokojnie :)
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: La vie est un jeu, il est bien plus facile d'y jouer quant on en connait les règles. ici la regle : faire minimum 5000 points pour chaque coupe !!
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: un minimum de 2000 pts
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: faire ses quotidiennes , le mot caché, les paris sportifs et prévenir en cas d'abscence (3000 pts minimum/coupe)
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: bienvenue à tous,ici on joue cool
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: min 3000
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: [ 1 place dispo ] minima demandé 6.000 pts et plus apprécié - pour tout postulant merci de m'envoyer un mp en meme temps pour me confirmer que vous êtes d'accord pour faire le minima
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: Description : Salut, je cherche joueurs très actives, surtout ceux qui jouent tous les jours ou mettent des codes, merci
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Tout est dans le nom du vaisseau !!
On est là pour s'amuser mais aussi pour progresser , uniquement pour joueurs sérieux et motivés
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
faire c'est parties journalière prévenir en cas d'absence
être solidaire pour les top
et une bonne ambiance dans le vaisseau
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: Faire les parties quotidiennes dans une bonne ambiance
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: on se la joue coule
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: ciao basta giocare
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: Vaisseau convivial
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: Entre amis
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: Pour 2024 on accélère un peu, objectif top 10 donc il faudra au minimum jouer ses parties gratuites et un peu plus si possible.
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
tout le monde est le bienvenu
faire ses parties gratuites tous les jours + paris
minimum de 3000 points par semaine
me contacter par mp avant acceptation. merci
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
bienvenue à tous un minimum est demandé 3000 points par session
bons jeux
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
bonjour clan cool on prévient en cas de vacances par ex bon jeux à tous
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 100 % | 100 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 0 % | 0 % |
Description: sans prise de tete
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: Tout le monde est le bienvenu! Communication de temps en temps sur le tchat! Bon jeu :)
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 100 % | 100 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 0 % | 0 % |
Description: Juste pour jouer
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: venez dans ce clan pour se sentir comme chez soi, jouer sans stress et gagnez des points
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: gare au decollage!!!
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 100 % | 100 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 0 % | 0 % |
Description: Le nom du clan en dit long, mais ça ne veut pas dire qu'il ne faut rien faire non plus loll
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
Description: 1500 à 2000 points par semaines!!! sauf congé ou autres si signalé a l avance sinon exclusion du vaisseau.
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 100 % | 100 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 0 % | 0 % |
Description: bonjour mes amies j'aimerais vous avoir dans mon clan fouad1974 vous serez les bienvenue a bientot
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: bienvenue a tous faire ses parties quo participer a la vie du vaisseau
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 0 % | 0 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 100 % | 100 % |
bienvenue à tous faite au mieux pour avoir des points. je demande d'être vip1 minimum.
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 100 % | 100 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 0 % | 0 % |
Description: pour les gourmands
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 10 % | 10 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 90 % | 90 % |
Description: on est la pour jouer tranquillement sans se prendre la tête
Breakdown of earnings | this week | next week |
equality between players | 100 % | 100 % |
in proportion to the points of the players | 0 % | 0 % |
Description: accepte tout le monde faisant ses parties quotidienne