- Chaque jour, vous avez 10 parties gratuites pour les Jeux Gratuits.
- 13 parties offertes en plus des bonus habituels pour chaque AlienZ'+ validé ou bien 46 parties par AlienZ'++.
Be careful, as several players can participate at the same time, it is possible that your position changes while you are playing.
The display of your actual position is done automatically on the page, with a small offset (1 to 2 seconds maximum).
2 earn 100 AlienZ '
3 earn 150 AlienZ '
4 backs out of 3 squares
5 earn 30 AlienZ '
6 skip to square 18
7 teleportation at the start
9 earn 90 AlienZ '
11 earn 50 AlienZ '
13 all other players move back from 3 squares
15 lose 1 throw
16 loses all the remaining throws
17 + 1 throw
19 earn 100 AlienZ '
20 earn 30 AlienZ '
21 earn 50 AlienZ '
22 loses all the remaining throws
23 earn 50 AlienZ '
24 earn 150 AlienZ '
25 + 2 throw
27 go to the square 37
29 earn 30 AlienZ '
30 teleportation at the start
31 earn 90 AlienZ '
34 all other players move back 3 squares
35 the players square 34 and 36 return to the start
38 lose 1 throw
39 lose 100 AlienZ '
40 earn 150 AlienZ '
41 canceled throw
42 earn 30 AlienZ '
43 teleportation at the start
44 earn 100 AlienZ '
45 canceled throw
46 lose 100 AlienZ '
47 lose 1 throw
48 earn 50 AlienZ '
49 all other players move back 3 squares
50 earn 150 AlienZ '
51 lose 100 AlienZ '
52 lose 1 throw
54 earn 50 AlienZ '
55 earn 30 AlienZ '
56 backs out of 3 squares
58 Go back to the start
59 earn 120 AlienZ '
60 backs to 37
61 earn 30 AlienZ '
62 earn 50 AlienZ '
63 the players square 62 and 64 return to the start
64 earn 50 AlienZ '
65 all other players move back 3 squares
66 canceled throw
67 earn 30 AlienZ '
68 earn 50 AlienZ '
69 loses all the remaining throws
70 earn 30 AlienZ '
71 teleportation to square 57
72 earn 50 AlienZ '
73 + 1 throw
74 earn 100 AlienZ '
75 earn 30 AlienZ '
76 earn 50 AlienZ '
77 loses all the remaining throws
78 earn 50 AlienZ '
79 earn 30 AlienZ '
80 + 2 throw
81 teleportation to square 52
82 earn 200 AlienZ '
83 earn 30 AlienZ '
84 teleportation at the start
85 earn 90 AlienZ '
86 all other players move back 3 squares
87 the players square 86 and 88 return to the start
88 teleportation at the start
89 earn 50 AlienZ '
90 the players square 89 and 91 return to the start
91 earn 50 AlienZ '
92 all other players move back 3 squares
93 canceled throw
94 earn 30 AlienZ '
95 earn 50 AlienZ '
96 loses all the remaining throws
97 earn 30 AlienZ '
98 teleportation to square 77
99 wins 1 random code (A ++ or A + or AC)
+ 150 points Ship
+ 1500 points Clans (Mission 64)
empty square: +5 Pts for Ship + 25 pts for Clans (mission 64b)
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Cliquez simplement sur le bouton Afficher les classements ci-dessous pour les voir.